Archive for February 9th, 2012|Daily archive page

False Idols (In government the blind so trust…)

For the idolisation-ists, questioning the government and its agencies
amongst their circle, is considered “offensive.”  Unthinkable even.

So what happens when you cross fervent, pathological behavior with
the science of truth and fact? You get the following:

  • Denial
  • Deception
  • Deflection

Over the past 3 years, the analysis and reporting from the BLS has
been under suspicion and scrutiny by many outside the circle of
Wall Street, Investment Banks, government economists, government shills and typically, the progressive left. Though even more-so within the past year.

The BLS has a long history of revising their data over and over again.
In fact, in the last year often making double revisions on one data-set.
While some claim that the BLS is “independent” of  its administrations
(be it Republican or Democrat) what has come to light proves otherwise.

A clear, concise example of this built-in bias, is the very disturbing
and alarming 20-Month revision in the BLS’s Non-Farm Payroll Data
from May 2009 to February 2011.
20-Month Revisions to NFP

From May ’09 to February ’11, the BLS has revised NFP DOWNWARD by approximately 550,000. A massive revision in the original data by a supposedly “independent” and very trustworthy agency- so say the
Blind Believers, of their False Idols. 20 Months of inaccurate, deceptive
data touted, praised and published all in hopes of?

I think it is very clear of what the ‘hopes’ were. Ultimately, that ruse
failed and the American public is finally becoming more and more aware
of the deceptive and politically-motivated practices of the government
in general.

Worship not…their False Idols

false idol